The Art of Yu Chi Man
Chronological Notes on Yu Chi Man
Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts Chinese painting-Level Programme
I will continue to create outstanding and moving pieces of work. I would also Iike to become an accomplished Chinese painter in the near future, in order to contribute to the world of art.
2015 Further study in the Studio of Figures . majoring in Chinese meticulous figures painting.
2014 "Lotus"was shown in the Exhibition of Studying Classical Chinese Painting of Teaching and Research in Lingnan Painting Memorial.
2013 Entered the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts.
"Pen‧Peony" was awarded Honourable Mention and Scholarship Recipient to 2012/13 The Wharf Hong Kong Secondary School Art Competition.
Savannah College of Arts and Design(SCAD ) Certifcate of Achievement was awaeded for Design Studio:POP-Up Books.
2012 “Fruit” was awarded Chinese Painting &Calligraphy Honourable Mention to the 2012/13 Expressions of Secondary School Students'Creative Visual Arts Work, organised by Hong Kong Education Bureau.
2011 “Orchid” was invited to participate 39th International children’s Exhibition of Fine Art Lidice, by Hong Kong Government.
2010 “Orchid” was awarded 2D Artwork Honourable Mention to the 2010/11 Expressions of Secondary School Students'Creative Visual Arts Work,organised by Hong Kong Education Bureau.
2008 The 33rd Hong Kong Youth Cutural and Arts Competitions ,Calendar Design Competition was awarded First Runner Up of Secondary Section.
Hong Kong Visa Olympics of the Imagination Art Competition award Outstanding artwork.